I’ve been thinking about Einstein Analytics, its current feature set and the gaps impacting my day to day. I thought I would list some of those here, in no particular order. I’m sure I am forgetting some, so remind me in the comments and I can add as I think of more!
Alright…I know everyone doesn’t get a pony! But we can try?
Edit Steps w/ Bindings In UI Outside of JSON
Currently, we still edit these steps with static bindings…but we do a lot of “\n” \” etc…
Edit SAQL & Still Use UI
Being able to edit the groupings, measures, filters and other features in the UI after making an edit to the SAQL would be a huge win. You can always go back to before you made that change but currently it makes you think twice about the order of operations.
Allow “Locked” Containers
Imagine a container that is ‘frozen’ (just like “freeze panes” or locking the top row in Excel) and anything that you placed in that container – Titles, Pillbox, Filters would remain glued to the area of the dashboard that you selected. It would be ‘immune’ from scrolling. This would allow users the ability to scroll down to view other dashboard widgets but always have the filters/pillboxes to toggle from within easy reach.
Multi-Line Commenting
If I have to ‘dash-dash’ another consecutive line…
Advanced Filter Logic (And/Or) Outside of SAQL
Sure, AND (((we AND can) OR (do AND the)) OR advanced) AND in AND SAQL AND (but OR why OR not OR make OR it OR easier?)
This includes being able to select (in the UI) the same field to filter for two or more conditions!
Allow The Use of Bindings to Toggle Images
This would allow the limit of 20 pages to go a lot farther.
Bug – Incrementing After Mouse No Longer Clicking
I have to list this bug as I realized this is not yet resolved even as of Winter ’19 in my pre-release org. As you can see below, you can click the mouse once on the arrows and it will continue to increment even after ‘mousing up’ during hover-over…while the mouse is no longer clicking!