System Date Fields Missing Time
You can’t go on a date without first setting a time, right? Well, Salesforce has found a way to have system date fields missing time information! Have you ever wanted to know the created date & time of a record within Salesforce reports? How about sorting a list view in ascending or descending order based on the creation or last modified date? Well unfortunately, even though these date/time fields capture both the date and the time, only the date is displayed in reports and views. Thankfully there is a quick and easy workaround for this issue as outlined below.
Date Fields Missing Time – The Problem
Where has the time gone? Definitely not found in Salesforce list views and reports!
Date Fields Missing Time – The Workaround
Create a formula field and be sure to select Date/Time as the type:
For the formula result, select the System field you would like to retrieve:
In this case, we are wanting to pull in the Created Date & Time info.
Add the new formula fields to your list views & reports and enjoy!
There’s the time! Now you can easily sort in ascending or descending order!
What other tricks do you have related to date/time fields? Let me know in the comments!
This doesn’t work when reporting on CaseComment because you can’t add additional fields to the object. Any suggestions?
Hi Emily – Can you explain your use case a little further? Do you want to use standard salesforce reports to report on the case comment creation date & time?