
Salesforce – let’s have a date…and time! Date Fields Missing Time Workaround

Posted by SFDCr

System Date Fields Missing Time

You can’t go on a date without first setting a time, right?  Well, Salesforce has found a way to have system date fields missing time information!  Have you ever wanted to know the created date & time of a record within Salesforce reports?  How about sorting a list view in ascending or descending order based on the creation or last modified date?  Well unfortunately, even though these date/time fields capture both the date and the time, only the date is displayed in reports and views.  Thankfully there is a quick and easy workaround for this issue as outlined below.

Date Fields Missing Time – The Problem

Date Fields Missing Time Without Time In Salesforce List Views

Where has the time gone? Definitely not found in Salesforce list views and reports!

Date Fields Missing Time Without Time In Salesforce Reports

Date Fields Missing Time – The Workaround

Create a formula field and be sure to select Date/Time as the type:

Create Custom Formula for Date Fields Missing Time Without Time

For the formula result, select the System field you would like to retrieve:

Set Created Date as Formula for Date Fields Missing Time Without Time

In this case, we are wanting to pull in the Created Date & Time info.

Set Created Date As Formula Result for Date Fields Missing Time Without Time

Add the new formula fields to your list views & reports and enjoy!

Dates With Times Now In Salesforce List Views

There’s the time!  Now you can easily sort in ascending or descending order!

Dates With Times Now In Salesforce Reports


What other tricks do you have related to date/time fields?  Let me know in the comments!

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2 thoughts on “Salesforce – let’s have a date…and time! Date Fields Missing Time Workaround

  1. Em

    This doesn’t work when reporting on CaseComment because you can’t add additional fields to the object. Any suggestions?

    1. SFDCr

      Hi Emily – Can you explain your use case a little further? Do you want to use standard salesforce reports to report on the case comment creation date & time?

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